September 25, 2013

Lesson 18 - Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center

Below is an expert on the Information about Ateneo de Manila Educational Media Center (EMC) lifted from this website,


Educational Media Center Functions as a visual instrument as well as a basic requirement for quality education by enriching all parts of the school’s educational process.

     It reflects and supports the philosophy of the school.
     It shares and implement the school’s aims and objectives.
     It is involved in the teaching and learning process.

Different forms of communication and their accompanying technology organized and housed for easy accessibility and use.

     It is a source of laboratory. It provides materials which will enrich and implement curriculum; encourages individual exploration and inquiry; provides materials and facilities for research and self-directed learning.

     It is a teaching agency. It teaches students how to find information; it stimulates new interests; it encourages students to use media and informed about new materials and welcomes their suggestions for purchase.

     It is a service agency. All procedures are established as the basis of service to students and teachers and materials and equipment are circulated.

   A coordinating agency. It serves a central depository for various forms of media; encourages the use of those kinds of materials which are most appropriate for the specific task; it is one place in the school where anyone may come anytime.

   A center for recreational reading, viewing and listening. It provides a variety of recreational materials to fulfill the current needs of the range of interest and abilities for the studentry; provides facilities for individual and group uses; it is concerned about the reluctant readers as well as the habitual one;

     As a stepping stone to other community resources centers and to desirable lifetime intellectual habits, it introduces the students to the resources available in other community resource centers. It encourages their use in a adult life. It encourages the personal ownership of books and other media.

EMC Services

1. Orientation
     All new teachers are given an orientation on the EMC, its program, role in the total Ateneo academic organization, services facilities, guidelines and procedures during their inservice program. The students are also given an orientation on their first Media Instruction Program (MIP) class.

2. Selection of print and non-print materials

     The librarians continually select and acquire print and non-print materials that suit needs, interest and special abilities of the students and teachers. Teachers, middle supervisors , and the administration are encouraged to take active part in the selection process.

3. Organization of print and non-print materials

     A technical librarian organizes all the purchased print and the non-print materials for easy retrieval. The resource organizer, the computerized system of the library organization by the G-Soft Solutions is already in use to facilitate effective and the efficient organization and retrieval procedures, as well as the other tools such as the Dewey Decimal Classification System and the C.A Culter’s Three-Figure Author Table.

4. Circulation of print and the non-print materials

     The EMC lends out the various types of materials to students and teachers. To make it serve efficiently, at the same time maximize the use of its sources, the EMC has prepared some guidelines that were discussed and approval by the committee on Educational Media Resources and services, a standing committee of the school chaired by the AHAA.

5. Reference

     The EMC attends to request such as bibliographic information from the card catalog, search through books, periodicals, pamphlets, documents and non-print materials. There are computers with internet facilities that help facilitate this service.

6. Bibliographic Service

     There are listings of materials and periodical articles to publicize the new materials and periodical articles in the EMC.

7. Media Instruction Program

     The Media Instruction Program (MIP) aims to teach students to be skilful and discriminating users of prints and the non-print media. It also aims to develop appreciation for the different forms of media. MIP is given to all classes from Prep to Gr. 7 at least seven times a year.

8. Class Supervised Research

     It is a scheduled program of activity particularly in Science and Social Studies. It refers to the class periods allotted to these subjects where the students are brought to the EMC to do the research for a particular topic.

9. Grade Level newspaper

     Each grade level is given a subscription to a newspaper of their choice. It is a service rendered to ensure that the faculty is updated daily on current events locally and intentionally.

10. Mags-On-Wheels

     Selected professionals and generals interest journal are routed in the different grade levels and service areas.

11. Photocopying Service

     A self-service photocopying machine is available for the faculty to Xerox materials needed. Students may also request photocopying of library materials. A corresponding amount is charged.

12. Video and Sound Production

     Simple productions for the class instructions, program and schoolwide presentations are put together in the Audio-Visual area.

13. Multi-media Services

     Different non-print media-materials are acquired. Teachers are encouraged to maximize use of their materials. The procedures for reservation and usage is teacher-friendly.


A Functional EMC Motives and Inspires

     To have a functional EMC facilities our job. Imagine, a technician is there  is there to help us when we have no confidence in manipulating equipment like laptop for a powerpoint presentation. Someone is there to help  us when we need a visual materials like a poster or map. Usually locating an instructional materials we need eats up our time.

   It has to be overemphasized that a school put the right person in the EMC. All the technologies housed in the media  specialist and the assistants are not very knowledgeable  and are not committed to the operation and manipulation of educational media.

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