September 28, 2013

Lesson 6 - Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials

         One of the instructional materials used to attain instructional objectives is field trip. For an effective use of an instructional materials such as field trip, there are guidelines that ought to be observed, first of all, in their selection  and second, in their use.

Selections of Materials:
  1.          Does the material aligned to the curriculum standard and competencies?
  2.          Does the material give a true picture of the ideas they present?
  3.          Does the material promote self-study?
  4.          Is the material culture-and grades- sensitive?
  5.          Does the material have culture bias?
  6.          Is the material worth the time, expense and effort involved?


To ensure effective use of instructional materials, Hayden  Smith and Thomas Nagel, book authors on instructional media advice us to abide by the acronym PPPF.

P-repare yourself- know your lesson objective and what you expect the class after the session and why you have selected such particular instructional materials.

P-repare your Student- set reasonably high class expectations and learning goals. Motivate them and keep them interested and engaged.

P-resent the Material- using media and materials, especially if they are mechanical in nature, often requires rehearsal and carefully planned performance.

F-ollow up- remember that you use instructional material to achieved an objective, not to kill time nor to give yourself a break, neither to merely entertain the class.

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