September 28, 2013

Lesson 13 - Teaching with Visual Symbols

     Visual symbols come in many forms- drawing, cartoons, strip drawing, diagram,   map, chart, and graph. For these visual symbols to be at your fingertips, you ought to be skilled at making them.
       Visual symbols come in many forms-drawing, cartoons; strip drawing (comic strip), diagram, map, chart, and graph. For these visual symbols to be at your finger tips, you ought to be skilled at making them. The collection, preparation and use of these various visual symbols depend to a great extent on your own resourcefulness and creativity. They may be used in different ways and in different phases of the lesson depending on your purpose. If you use them skillfully, your classroom may turn into a beehive of busy students.


      You may not realize it. But with visual symbols alone, you have an array of teaching materials to choose from. If you decide and commit yourself to using one visual symbol for every lesson, you will keep your teaching crispy and fresh. Only that this requires more preparation and more learning on your part. You must learn how to draw, sketch, make diagrams, graphs, the charts and some diagrams. You have to know what software to use and of course how to manipulate the computer.

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