September 28, 2013

Lesson 3 - The Roles of Educational Technology in Learning

Educational Technology plays a big role to the instruction that makes the world a new place.

There are two types of the roles of the technology- traditional and constructivist way.
In traditional type of instruction in ET, technology serves only as delivery vehicles for instructional lessons which learner learns the content presented with the use of technology through the teacher in the sense that the certain knowledge is embedded in technology. In addition, traditional way also seen as productivity tool where it is being known for word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic programs and desktop publishing that is why learners could be able to understand deeply of what is being presented by the teacher because of unavailable access of internet. Learners could also pay attention in books in order to have a good and reliable source of references for them to have a better research.

In constructivist point of view, learners learn best to technology in building more meaningful personal interpretations in life. It makes learner gather, think, analyze, synthesize information and construct meaning with what technology presented. Also, it engages learner in active, constructive, intentional, authentic and cooperative learning that provides opportunities for technology and learner’s interaction for meaningful learning. With that, technology in constructivist approach served as facilitator for thinking and knowledge construction.

With all this approaches presented, whether traditional or constructivist way as long as it used effectively, it makes the instruction achievable, understandable, adds motivation, encourages collaborative learning and supports the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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