September 28, 2013

Lesson 11 - Making the most of Community Resources and Field Trips

Field trip is one of the instructional materials used in attaining an instructional objective. School Field Trips are primarily self-guided, which lets teachers plan a trip that best meets the needs of their particular students. In order to make it useful and fruitful, the teacher must have a realistic objective and proper planning. This includes discussions and decisions on what to do before, during and after field trip.
               The destinations for field trips could be community resources like places of exhibits, museums, zoos, historical and scenic spots, other members of the community like the senior citizens, parents, and many others in which they can get information base on their experience within their community.

Advantages of Field trips:
  • Good field trip is that equipment and facilities that could not be experienced in the classroom become available and if good guides are provided, a lit of information can be picked up quickly.
  • Greatest part of the experience may be realized that scale/ size does not come across in picture or videos.
  • Promotes Discovery Learning.

Disadvantages of Field trips:
  • Oftentimes, field trips require expenses.
  • Time consuming.
  • The discipline, control and safety of the students is crucial.

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