September 28, 2013

Lesson 7 - Direct Purposeful And Beyond

Direct Purposeful Experiences                                Indirect Purposeful Experiences

Cooking personal meals                                                      Watching cooking show
Driving the car                                                                     Observing the driver 
Manipulating the car

From the examples stated above, we can see that there are two different ways of learning, and they are describe as follows:

    The direct purposeful experiences are the firsthand experiences that are done personally by a learner and also set as the basis of one's learning. And does describe as purposeful in such a way that they are experiences done for a specific purpose or with a purpose.

    Indirect experiences in contrast with the direct experiences , are experiences done by other people. And they are being observed by the learner. In short, learners do learn not by doing but through observation on what they see from others or from what they have read from the magazines or books.

However in a teaching-learning process, we must not limit or end in direct experiences. We must bring learning to a higher level. We should go beyond into the level of generalization and abstraction.

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