September 28, 2013

Lesson 15 - Project-Based Learning and Multimedia What It Is?

 Project -based multimedia learning is teaching method in which students “acquire new knowledge and skills in the course of designing, planning and producing multimedia products."This project-based multimedia learning is most of all anchored on the core curriculum.This means that project- based multimedia learning addresses the basic knowledge and skill and students are expected to acquire as laid down in the minimum competencies of basic education curriculum.
Project-based multimedia learning does no only engage use of multimedia for learning. The students end up with multimedia product to explain what they learned. So, they are not only learners of academic content, they are at the same time author of multimedia product at the end of learning process.
The project-based multimedia learning has 7 dimensions these are: Core Curriculum, Real-world Connection, Extended time frame, Student decision making, Collaboration, Assessment and Multimedia.
We need to use project-based multimedia learning because it is “value added” to our teaching. It is a powerful motivator; it actively engages students in the learning task. Students are likewise engaged in the production of multimedia presentation.

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