September 28, 2013

Lesson 14 - Maximizing the Use of the Overhead Projector and the Chalkboard

                    Today the chalkboard comes in all colors, shapes, sizes and degrees of portability. Some have special surfaces that require a particular type of felt-tip pen rather than chalk. Most times, however, this medium includes a large writing area, a writing substance (usually chalk), and an eraser.
       Among all instructional equipment, the chalkboard is most available. The overhead projector is versatile equipment that is quite common today. By learning how to use them properly and in an inexpensive way we are able to realize our instructional objectives.
                  The OHP is indeed very versatile equipment. With your prepared transparencies you can do so much in so short a time. You save much time when you present your lecture on transparencies instead of writing these notes or drawing naively on the chalkboard. With the photocopier, it is easy to prepare notes on transparencies. Just photocopy your hand copy using a transparency. It is sometimes more reliable than the LCD. I have attended several lectures where the lecturer and audience get dismayed because the lecturer ends up presenting without visuals. It is either that they cannot open the flash drive or gadgets are not compatible, etc. If you have your transparencies and there is a functioning OHP available, that will be your saving factor and you can proceed with a visual presentation.

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